SLRG member Janelle Bailey has recently published two new articles. Along with Temple alumna and staff member Jess McLaughlin, a systematic review of spatial thinking research in geoscience education was recently published as an open access article in Studies in Science Education. This paper emerged from Jess’s capstone project for her M.Ed. in Educational Psychology at Temple. The second paper is a practitioner piece on the astronomy MEL activities, co-written by Doug Lombardi and published in The Physics Teacher’s AstroNotes column.
Bailey, J. M., & Lombardi, D. (2022). Astronomy activities for promoting scientific evaluation [AstroNotes column]. The Physics Teacher, 60(3), 87–88.
McLaughlin, J. A., & Bailey, J. M. (2022). Students need more practice with spatial thinking in geoscience education: A systematic review of the literature. Studies in Science Education, Advance online publication. [open access at this link]