Spring 2020 Presentations

The SLRG has been supportive of the various conference cancellations due to the COVID-19 outbreak, although we are disappointed to not be able to share our work more broadly. We have collected our intended presentations here, and we hope that you will find them useful. Please feel free to reach out to any of the authors!

NARST 2020, March 15-18, Portland, OR

Klavon, T. Relationships Between Students’ Scaffolded Small-Group Discussions and their Written Scientific Explanations.

Klavon, T., Bailey, J., Lombardi, D.,  & Dobaria, A. Students’ Plausibility Shifts and Knowledge Gains When Evaluating Competing Explanatory Models about Freshwater Resource Availability.


AERA 2020, April 18-21, San Francisco, CA
Matewos, A. A., Lombardi, D., Bailey, J. M., & Herrick, I. (2020). From science student to conceptual agent: Examining the individual shifts in engagement during scaffolded instruction.

Lombardi, D., & Bailey, J. M. (2020). Science strategy interventions. Poster accepted for presentation as part of the symposium, “Investigating strategies and strategy use: Where do we go from here?”

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